Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year Celebrations

I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas and fantastic New Year... For the last few year's we've enjoyed a few days away over New Year with Jonny's family up on the coast near Whitby. This year there were 25 of us staying in a scout association property which used to be an old railway station house - complete with disused railway line outside the front door! Good family fun with girls and boys dorms sleeping in bunk beds, bracing cliff top walks, fish and chips in Whitby and lots of laughs and games. It's so nice to escape the usual pressures of New Year and have time to catch up with family and friends and clear the head with some sea air!

I'm now looking forward to a fantastic 2009 - January is always an exciting month as it gives me time to catch up with the business and set new ideas in place for the coming year.

Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year

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